CRIB WARS RED SKIP  Any player or team that pegs or lands on the first red box in any of the 3 locations will slide immediately to the second red box. BLUE TIME TRAPS Any player or team that lands in the blue time trap must follow the blue path. If your hand count lands you in the time trap, your crib count would continue down the blue path. There are 4 time traps in the game. BLUE PENALTY BOX Any player, or team, who lands in the penalty box must fold their hand and crib at once. If 2 people or 2 teams are playing, the team that hit the penalty box goes back 20 holes, and your opponents go ahead 20 holes. Then the other player or team will finish pegging and counting their hands and crib. When 3 players or three teams are playing, the first player or team to hit the penalty box will sit out for three consecutive hands. The player(s) in the penalty box is responsible for moving their own peg. If they miss moving their peg they must stay in the box for one extra hand. If a second player or team hits the penalty box while a team or player is already in the penalty box, the 2 player rule applies. The player or team already in the penalty box advances 1 peg hole. At no time can an award of 20 points land you in a penalty box or time trap. If the awarded count does land a player in a penalty box or a time trap, the player skips to the first hole past the penalty box or time trap. There are 3 penalty boxes on the game board. GREEN ADVANCES Any player or team that lands in either of the 2 green advance areas must follow the green short cuts. © by NORMAN W. ACKLAND CRIBBAGE RULES DEALING: You must cut the deck to see who deals.  The player with the lowest card deals.  6 cards are dealt per player if there are 2 players. Each player discards 2 cards for the crib. If 3 players are playing, you deal 5 cards and throw 1 into the crib. Then take 1 card off the top of the deck for the crib. If 4 players are playing, you deal 5 cards and throw 1 into the crib. For 6 players, the dealer and his partner discard 1 card of their choice to the bottom of the deck. The crib comes from the other 4 players. The person to the right of the dealer cuts the deck and turns up the top card. If a Jack comes up, the dealer counts 2 points, except within the last 3 holes before the finish. PEGGING POINTS: the player to the left of the dealer now plays any card from their hand face up, calling out its value. Each player calls out the total of the cards played in sequence. The players continue back and forth in this way without exceeding 31. If you cannot play without going past 31, say "GO". This instructs your opponent to continue playing as many cards as possible without going past 31. Your opponent pegs 1 point for a "GO" if able to play under 31. A player who reaches 31 exactly pegs 2 points. When all players are unable to play, a new count is started by the player who didn’t make the most recent play. Once a player removes his hand from the front peg when scoring points, the score cannot be changed unless they took too many points. Other scoring opportunities can be made by the following combinations. If your play makes the count 15, you score 2 points. If you match the card or cards, played by your opponent(s) you score 2 for the pair, 3 of a kind is worth 6 points, and 4 of a kind is worth 12 points. Points are also awarded for sequences regardless of the order in which they are played. For example 7, 8, 6 score 3 points for the last player, and if the next player follows with a 4 and you play a 5, you get 5 points. If a 5 or 9 is played instead of the 4 you would get 4 points. When counting your hand, 4 points are awarded if all the cards are the same suit. An additional point is awarded if the turn up card is also the same suit. Points are not awarded for the same suit in your crib unless the turn up card is also the same suit. Counting your hand occurs once all cards have been played. The person to the left of the dealer counts first and follows in a clockwise direction. The dealer always counts last. COUNTING YOUR HAND: Counting any combination that adds up to 15 is worth 2 points, any run 5, 6, 7, or 4, 5, 6, 7, count 1 point per each card in the run. If you turn up a 6 and you have 4, 5, 6, 7, then you have a double run. The runs don’t have to be the same suit. Also, you have "15, 2", "15, 4" for your 4, 5, 6, adds up to 15 twice. You also have a pair for 2 points. If you have all the same suit in your hand count 1 point for each card. Remember the crib must also have the turn up card the same suit. POINTS: 2 of a kind = 2 points.  3 of a kind = 6 points. 4 of a kind = 12 points.  1, 2, 3 in a run =3 points. 1, 2, 3, 4 in a run =4 points. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in a run =5points. You get 1 point per card in any run.  Cards that add up to 15 receive 2 points. 8+7=15, 9+6=15, etc. 4+5+6=15, 10+5=15, J+5=15, Q+5=15, K+5=15 SKUNK or DOUBLE SKUNK: If you or your opponent(s) can’t get past the 60 point mark when someone reaches the 121 point mark, you are double skunked. This is worth 4 games. If you or your opponent can’t get past the 90 point mark when someone reaches the 121 point mark, you are skunked. This is worth 2 games. MUGGINS: Traditionally, if your opponent(s) fails to peg all their points while counting their hand or pegging, the first person to call muggins pegs the points that were missed. In CRIB ZONES, you can give the points back to the other player. OTHER IMPORTANT RULES  1. No player can ask for help from opponent(s) or bystander(s). 2. If a dealer’s card is exposed in dealing, the non dealer may call for a new deal if he has not looked at any of his or her cards. 3. If a non dealer’s card is exposed in dealing, the non dealer scores 2 points and may call for a new deal if he or she has not looked at his/her remaining cards. 4. If either player receives less than the amount of cards required, there must be a new deal. 5. If the non dealer gets more cards then they should, the non dealer scores 2 points. If they notice the error before picking up their hand, a new deal is required. 6. If the dealer gets too many cards, the non dealer may ask for a new deal, or pick a card from the dealer’s hand. 7. If the cards are not dealt 1 at a time, there must be a new deal. 8. If a card is face up in the deck, this is the same as if a card was exposed in dealing. 9. When the cards are put into the crib, and a player (non-dealer) discovers an incorrect card count, they call for a new deal and score 2 points. 10. If any player calls "GO" but could have played a card and remained under 31, that player may not correct the error once his opponent plays a card or takes the point. The card(s) that should have been played are dead, and the other player scores 2 points. 11. If a player refuses to pay a penalty for violating the rules, their opponent may claim the game. 12. If a player pegs too many points, their opponent can demand that player to move back the number of extra points they took, and may add the same amount onto their score. 13. If a player accidentally removes both his or her pegs, their opponent scores 2 points. If a player removes their opponent’s front peg, their opponent may claim the game. 14. If a player accidentally dislocates their own front peg, they must place that peg behind the back peg, unless both players agree to where the peg was. If a player accidentally dislodges both of their pegs, their opponent has the right to reposition the pegs. Or the opponent may claim the game. If both players dislocate their front peg at the same time, both players must agree to where the front peg goes, or void the game. If you move your peg out of turn, your opponent(s) scores 2 points. 15. If a player mixed their cards with the crib, their opponent scores 2 points, and there is a new deal. 16. If a player handles the deck, other than to cut the deck, the opponent(s) scores 2 points. © by NORMAN W. ACKLAND